EN’s 7th Open Classroom Conference, that took place in Porto, from 15 to 17 October 2009, was a great event. Good presentations (some excellent) and a very warm and friendly atmosphere among the participants. According to Alan Tait, the President of EDEN, this was the most successful open classroom conference ever.Well, we enjoyed fabulous weather, and that must also have played a part.
It was also the first conference in Portugal, at least that I know, to have a full and efficient Twitter coverage, with its #edenporto09 tag topping the trends in Twitter Portugal, mainly due t the hard work of Paulo Simões [@pgsimoes] and José Carlos Figueiredo [@jctf].
Here’s an amateur video of my presentation, “Social Software: Learning in the Network” and below the slides I used. If you’d like to read the article, you can do so here at Scribd.